Bachir, Abdoulaye Ibrahim

Research Interests:
Turkey, Niger, MENA and the Sahel
Geographical Area:
Turkey’s Africa Policy, Islamism, International Politics, Muslim Charity Organizations and the Study of Religion
Current Project:
The Role of Charitable Activities of Turkish Organisations in Niger
The main objective of this project is to understand the role of the activities of Turkish charitable organizations which are shaping the new image of contemporary Turkey, in the processes of ongoing social transformation in Niger. Thus, based on concepts of ‘religious engineering’ and ‘morality/ethics’, this project aims to explore and analyze humanitarian aid and development projects carried out by Turkish charities in Niger from a relational perspective through an interdisciplinary study. This project intends to achieve these goals by investigating the following main research questions: How are Turkish charities related to "religion" in the conduct of their charitable activities? What kind of interaction exists between these charities and other actors such as donors, target groups and state? How and what moralities are generated from these multiple processes of relating? In this study, ethnographic research will be used as the dominant methodology to answer the research questions.
Further information (CV and publications)