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Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies - BIGSAS

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Junior Fellow Platform

Please be aware, that we have moved all our internal Junior Fellow information, forms, and templates regarding travel applications and funding, IRTPs and examination processes to an internal UBT INTRANET Site. To access all of those information, please log into the following link using your BT-number and login details (intranet).

Information for New Junior Fellows / Researchers Hide

Our Information Brochure for International (PhD) Students & Researchers is meant as a guidance document through your study and/or research journey in Bayreuth, starting before your arrival in Germany up till after your graduation/end of stay. It will cover important information for your preparation and onboarding in Bayreuth, academic and everyday life issues during your stay here, and how to graduate and move on.

Our Checklist for Arriving and Settling as a new BIGSAS Junior Fellow can be downloaded here
In addition, you will be added to our internal elearning (moodle) course Information for BIGSAS Junior Fellows , where we comprehensively compiled all relevant BIGSAS and UBT information in English and French and maintain a personal network with all doctoral students. This e-learning course, will provide you with general useful information about researching and being a Junior Fellow at BIGSAS, give you access to specific documents, forms and templates for your time as JF, helps you to find out more about offers and services provided in and around BIGSAS and the UBT, provides resources and links, and gives you the possibilities to socialize and network further with your fellow Junior Fellows as well as with the BIGSAS and Cluster personnel and other institutions.

Information for BIGSAS Senior Fellows Hide

Associated Members include scholars from around the world who are involved in collaborative research with BIGSAS as well as the mentoring of doctoral candidates. Those associated members come from diverse research fields and contribute to the academic, and research goals of BIGSAS through their expertise, joint projects, guest lectures, and participation in research groups. Their association with BIGSAS helps broaden the network and enhance the academic exchange within the graduate school.

The prerequisite for associate membership is that the Junior Fellow that they want to mentor must already be admitted to BIGSAS with a doctoral project and that the associated member is entitled to administer examinations. The association is decided by the Steering Committee at the request of a member and is limited by the duration of the supervisory relationship.

More information about mentorship and the actual association process of associated members can be found HERE

BIGSAS CodexHide

The BIGSAS Codex (French translation/traduction française) of Doctoral Studies and Mentorship provides a concise statement of the academic rights and responsibilities of BIGSAS doctoral candidates – the Junior Fellows –and their individual mentoring groups. For each admitted doctoral candidate the mentoring group consists of one assigned supervisor and two mentors. The Codex lays particular emphasis on the Junior Fellow-mentoring group relationship and aims to ensure excellent training, mentoring and supervision within BIGSAS.

Junior Fellow Representatives

BIGSAS Junior Fellow Representatives are two elected doctoral students per semester who are taking part in the governance and decision-making structure of BIGSAS. These representatives serve as a bridge between the Junior Fellows and the graduate school’s management. They ensure that the concerns, ideas, and interests of the Junior Fellows are represented in institutional matters and they play a role in various activities such as academic and administrative decisions.

Typically, the Junior Fellow Representatives participate in meetings with the Management and the Steering Committee and assist in organizing workshops, conferences, and a variety of non-academic events and activities. They are also responsible for the JF newsletter and planning and advocate for better academic and research conditions for their peers. Their role fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment within BIGSAS, allowing the graduate students to actively shape their academic community.

Each elected Junior Fellow Representative can run for one to two semesters, and is afterwards eligible for JF Rep Comp. Funding.

The main tasks of the JF Reps include:

  • Represent the Junior Fellows
  • Participate in admission interviews and administrative meetings
  • Mediate between the JFs and the administration
  • Circulate information and requests
  • Give feedback
  • Coordinate JF activities
  • Give orientation for new Junior Fellows

The current Junior Fellow Representatives are: Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo and Deborah Dike

The current cluster Junior Fellow representative is : Carla Coburger

Contact: bigsas-reps@uni-bayreuth.de

BIGSAS Junior Fellow Representatives’ Newsletter


The BIGSAS Junior Fellow Representatives regularly publish a newsletter which contains information about the most important developments among the Junior Fellows.

Current issue: September 2023

Past issues:

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Andrea Behrends

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