BIGSAS has Members and Associated Members.
Members consist of the founding members of BIGSAS, a few additional and retired professors, and outstanding scholars from all faculties of the University of Bayreuth who hold a doctoral title and supervise Africa-related doctorates. The Steering Committee makes decisions concerning applications for membership at the suggestion of the Head of BIGSAS. The exact regulations of Membership are stated in §3 of the BIGSAS regulations (PDF).
Associated Members are scholars who are involved in the supervision of doctoral candidates. The prerequisite for associate membership is that a doctoral candidate must already be admitted to BIGSAS. Associate membership is limited to the duration of the supervision relationship.
List of Members (alphabetically)

Prof. Dr Erdmute Alber
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4121
Chair of
Social Anthropology
Research Interests
Political Anthropology, Anthropology of Childhood and Family
- Current supervisionHide
- Ertlmaier, Sophia: "Education - Work - Having Children: Family Planning of Middle Class Women in Lagos, Nigeria"
- Krauß, Rebekka: "Urban illiteracy in Bolivia"
- Schild, Hannah Svea: "The Work of Bringing up Children. Parental Practices in Times of Uncertainty in East Africa."
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Abou Moumouni, Issifou: "Gouvernance de la sécurité au Bénin : les chasseurs néo-traditionnels dans le système sécuritaire"
- Bochow, Astrid: "Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe. Werbung (courtship) und Werte im Wandel in Kumasi und Endwa (Ghana)"
- Glover, Evam: "Polygyny Among the Middleclass in Ghana: An Anthropological Study of Urban Family Life"
- Häberlein, Tabea: "Generationen-Bande. Ordnung, Praxis und Geschichte der Generationenbeziehungen bei den Lama (Kabiye) im nördlichen Togo"
- Houngbedji, Gbeogni Mickael: "'Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre': Die Bedingungen in der Ausbildung und der Umgang mit internationalen Normen und internen Verordnungen zu Kinderschutz bei Schneidern, Schweißern, Maurern und Eisenflechtern in Benin"
- Kroeker, Lena: "'In between Life and Death' - HIV-Positive Women in Lesotho and their Obstetric Choices"
- Mildner, Carsten: "DEAF-DEAF-DIFFERENT. ambiguities of being deaf in Benin"
- Oldenburg, Silke: "À Goma on sait jamais...Jugend im ganz normalen Ausnahmezustand in Goma, DR Kongo"
- Sarre, Joh: "'Some call it slum, we call it home!' Aushandlungen von Zugehörigkeit unter den nubischen Einwohner*innen Kib(e)ras, Kenia"
- Ungruhe, Christian: "Lasten tragen, Moderne befördern. Wanderarbeit, Jugend, Erwachsenwerden und ihre geschlechtsspezifischen Differenzierungen in Ghana"
- Ballo Guèdè, Fidèle Coffi: "'Ni pauvre ni riche': identité de classe moyenne ou construction sociale d'une appartence intermédiaire au Bénin?"
- Irambeshya, Albert: "Social protection for elderly people in the context of rapidly ageing population in Rwanda"
- Abou Moumouni, Issifou: "Gouvernance de la sécurité au Bénin : les chasseurs néo-traditionnels dans le système sécuritaire"

PD Dr Eric Anchimbe
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3571
Research Interests
Sociolinguistics, World Englishes, Pragmatics, Applied Linguistics, Political Discourse, Computer-mediated Communication
- Current supervisionHide
- Ahmad, Usman: "A Study of English-Hausa and Hausa-English Translations"
- Otung, Glory Essien: "Power and Identity in Colonial Letters: The Case of Southwest Cameroon"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Oyali, Uchenna: "Bible Translation and Language Elaboration: The Igbo Experience"
- Memunatu, Sheini: "Aspects of Dagombas' English"

Prof. Dr Susan Arndt
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3551
Chair of
English Studies and Anglophone Literatures
Research Interests
Literary and Cultural Studies, Gender and Feminist Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Colonialism and Racism
- Current supervisionHide
- Assa, Shirin: "MENA Women in Diaspora: Poetics of Intersectional Resistance Versus Geometry of Appropriation"
- Assa, Shirin: "MENA Women in Diaspora: Poetics of Intersectional Resistance Versus Geometry of Appropriation"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Baas, Renzo
- Dittmann, Julia: "Ent-Täuschung des weißen Blicks. Rassismussensible Strategien für eine ideologiekritische Filmanalyse"
- Donsomsakulkij, Weeraya: "Towards A South African Literary "Post-Pastoralism": Alternative Environmentalism and Multispecies Narratives in Selected Post-Apartheid South African Literature"
- Köppen, Grit: "Performative Künste in Äthiopien: Internationale Kulturbeziehungen und postkoloniale Artikulationen"
- Muhammad, Dikko: "Female Voices in Northern Nigeria: An Exploration of Nature, Activism and Identity Politics in the Poetry of Nana Aishatu Ahmad, Angela Miri, and Maria Ajima"
- Wachira, James: "Nar*Rating Environmentalisms: Non*Human in Figurations Knowledges on Conservation, Endangerment and Environmental Justice in Selected Kenyan Eco-narrative"
- Yuan, Mingqing: "Kenya-China encounters in literary spaces: histories, presences and futures from the 1960's till the present"
- Fulela, Brian: "Post-apartheid Subjectivities: Psychoanalysis and/in Place in the Novels of K. Sello Duiker, Kgebetle Moele and Sifoso Mzobe"
- Baas, Renzo

Prof. Dr Iris Clemens
Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-4128
Chair of
Educational Science
Research Interests
Processes of Globalization and World Society, Global Relations of the Emergence of Knowledge, Evolution of Ideas, Transformation of Knowledge and Education in the World Society
- Current supervisionHide
- Amutuhaire, Tibelius: "Internationalisation and academic mobility: Exploring Higher Education students’ mobility in Uganda"
- Mulenga Wincierz, Mary: "Towards Theory Building: An Exploration of Experiences and Perceptions Associated with Youth Mentoring Practice in Southern Africa. A Grounded Theory Study in Zambia"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Dr Serawit Bekele Debele
Phone: + 49 (0) 921 55-5427
Research Interests
Religion and Politics in Africa, Sexuality, Intersectionality, Area/African Studies
- Current supervisionHide
- Khalaf Allah, Samah: "Towards a History of Queer/Feminist 'Movement' in Sudan"
- Khalaf Allah, Samah: "Towards a History of Queer/Feminist 'Movement' in Sudan"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Martin Doevenspeck
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-2273
Chair of
Political Geography
Research Interests
Risk and Disasters, Society-environment Relations (Politics of Climate Change, Environmental Governance), Political Geography of Africa (Violent Conflict, Territoriality, Borders), Migration and Mobility
- Current supervisionHide
- Aclassato, Samba: "Analyse des enjeux et perspectives d'une politique d’immigration choisie au Canada. L’exemple du Québec « Immigrés subsahariens francophones – Quelles mobilités ? »"
- Batano Kusimwa, Godelive: "Political Economy of Child Labour in Cobalt Artisanal Mining Zone of Kolwezi, DRC"
- Hollstegge, Julian: "Geographies of border-making in South Sudan's southern borderlands"
- Möller, Carsten: "Moving towards Power? Mobilities within Political Mobilization in Uganda, Kenya and Eastern DRC"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Bock, Stephan: "Translations of urban regulation within the relation of Kigali (Rwanda) and Singapore"
- Donko, Kamal: "Territory, Identity and Local Politics in the Frontier Zone of Central Benin"
- Gebauer, Claudia: "'Recently there were a lot of changes' - Translations of the 'Adaptation to Climate Change Paradigm' in Rwanda"
- Janssen, Jaana: "Schaffung von Gemeinsamkeiten im Kontext kultureller Differenz - Sozialgeographische Perspektiven auf Prozesse von Vernetzung und Relationaler Integration somalischer Postmigranten in Deutschland und Finnland"
- Kinyera, Paddy: "The Making of a Petro-state: Governmentality and Development Practice in Uganda's Albertine Graben"
- Morisho, Nene: "A New Institutional Economics Approach to Cross Border Small Business: A Case Study of Goma/Gisenyi Border"
- Muhire, Blaise: "Land, Power and Identity: The politics of scale and violent conflict in Masisi, DR Congo"

Junior Prof. Dr Tim Dorlach
Research Interests
Global Nutrition and Health Policy
- Current supervisionHide
- Wamahiu, Maryanne: "The Politics of Infant Formula Regulation: Kenya in Comparative Perspective"
- Wamahiu, Maryanne: "The Politics of Infant Formula Regulation: Kenya in Comparative Perspective"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Current supervisionHide
- Guadagnano, Laura: "Le discours moral dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes Ivoiriens. Une analyse pragmatico-discursive"
- Guadagnano, Laura: "Le discours moral dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes Ivoiriens. Une analyse pragmatico-discursive"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Drabo, Adama: "Marqueurs discursifs et pragmatèmes dans le français en Côte d’Ivoire. Une analyse empirique de dƐ, kƐ, tchô et toi aussi"
- El Hadari, Taha: "Research Synthesis: A Meta-Ethnography and Meta-Analysis of Sociolinguistic Research in Morocco"
- Mbaho Ngawa, Carline Liliane: "La vente des produits de santé dans les cars interurbains au Cameroun : une analyse interactionnelle"
- Mellie, Didérot Djialla: "Sensibilisation contre le VIH/SIDA au Cameroun: Analyse sémiolinguistique des affiches"
- Nganga, Simon: "Funeral Performances in Kenya: A Contribution to Communicative Genre Analysis"
- Peem, Laure: "Traduire des textes sur le VIH et le sida en basaa : Cas des affiches et des dépliants"

Prof. Dr Ute Fendler
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3567
Chair of
Romance Literary Studies and Comparative Literature
Research Interests
French and Francophone Literatures and Media (Film, Television) as well as Comparative Approaches to German/French, Francophone/Hispanophone Literatures and Film, Intercultural Communication, Intermedial Phenomena, Memory, Violence
- Current supervisionHide
- Boudjekeu Kamgang, Thierry: "Writing the Slave Trade Trauma in Francophone Africa: A Study of Selected Novels"
- Sbaihi, Yousra: "The Cultural and Social Hermeneutics of Death in Morocco"
- Tsogo Momo, Marie Nadege: "Le cinéma allemand au Cameroun d'Entre-Deux Guerres : Analyse d'un Révisionnisme colonial en images"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Brahima, Abraham: "L'intraduisible en question. Problématique linguistique africaine et décolonisation conceptuelle, une lecture critique"
- Dodounou, Tsevi: "Le mythe de l'Albinos dans les Récits Subsahariens Francophones"
- El Maarouf, Moulay Driss: "The Local and Global Dynamics of Moroccan Music Festivals"
- El Naggare, Maroua: "Enfances. De quelques recueils francophones de récits d'enfance"
- Koto, Yawo: "L'environnementalisme en Afrique francophone. La représentation de l'environnement dans la littérature et le cinéma africains francophones au sud du Sahara"
- Mbaye, Aminata: "Les discours sur l'homosexualité au Sénégal. L'analyse d'une lutte représentationnelle"
- Mohamed, Ghousmane: "La perception du milieu naturel à travers la littérature orale Touareg Kel Aïr du Niger"
- Ndi, Gilbert: "State/Society: Narrating Transformations in Selected African Novels"
- Ndong, Louis: "Kulturtransfer in der Übersetzung von Literatur und Film am Beispiel von Semèbene Ousmanes Novelle Niiwam und deren Verfilmung Niiwam der lange Weg"
- Nyada, Germain: "Kindheit, Autobiografik und Interkulturalität. Eine vergleichende Studie zu Kindheitstexten von Laye Camara, Elias Canetti, Jean-Martin Tchaptchet und Yusuf Yeşilöz"
- Wandji Ngassa, Eudes Narcisse: "Cinéma et réinvention de l'imaginaire des cineastes Camerounais"
- Benthami, Khadija: "Les récits d'enfance dans la littérature judéo-maghrébine"
- Seye, Mbaye: "Senegalesische Filme in Mediascape: Mous Sène Absas Filme Madame Brouette und Yoolé"

Prof. Dr Britta Frede
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3552
Research Interests
Translocal Relations and Global Interconnectedness of Muslim Africa (South-South) since 1800, Islamic Education, Islamic Popular Movements
- Current supervisionHide
- Chahdi, Nihal Ouazzani: "Trances in Translation: Towards an Ethical Turn in Translating
Alterity in the Moroccan Sufi Ritual al-ḍaḍra"
- Chahdi, Nihal Ouazzani: "Trances in Translation: Towards an Ethical Turn in Translating
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Joël Glasman
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-464
Chair of
History with a focus on the History of Africa
Research Interests
Francophone West- and Central Africa in the Twentieth Century, particularly the History of the State, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and the History of Humanitarianism
- Current supervisionHide
- Frisch, Robin: The Social History of the Franc CFA. Monetary Transitions in Togo and Cameroun from the Mandate Period to Independence (1918-1960)"
- Madhuku, Perseverence: "Combating diseases in Frontier Zones: Measles Outbreaks and Vaccination Campaigns in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe 1900-2010"
- Wolfmeier, Darja: "Voices on race and power in the humanitarian sector. A critical historical sociology of Médecins Sans Frontières, c. 1990s to 2000s"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Nyabwengi, Catheline: "Women Fighters in Kenya; 1952-2019"
- Edeagu, Ngozi: "Writing back to Empire: Newspapers, Non-Elites and Decolonisation in the Global Public Sphere, 1937-1957"
- Nyabwengi, Catheline: "Women Fighters in Kenya; 1952-2019"

Prof. Dr Jörg Gundel
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-6252
Chair of
Public Law, International and European Law
- Current supervisionHide
- Thalhammer, Veronika: "Möglichkeiten der Bindung transnationaler Unternehmen an Menschenrechte aus völkerrechtlicher Perspektive. Eine Untersuchung mit dem Fokus auf afrikanische Gaststaaten und deutsche Gesetzesinitiativen"
- Thalhammer, Veronika: "Möglichkeiten der Bindung transnationaler Unternehmen an Menschenrechte aus völkerrechtlicher Perspektive. Eine Untersuchung mit dem Fokus auf afrikanische Gaststaaten und deutsche Gesetzesinitiativen"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Owino, Robert: "International Environmental Law and Trans-boundary Resource Co-operation Frameworks in the Lake Victoria Basin: An Assessment of Effectiveness"
- Owino, Robert: "International Environmental Law and Trans-boundary Resource Co-operation Frameworks in the Lake Victoria Basin: An Assessment of Effectiveness"

Prof. Dr Christine Hanke
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4601
Chair of
Digital and Audiovisual Media
- Current supervisionHide
- Gerfelmeyer, Leah: "Die Colonial Commodities Kakao/Schokolade. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Entanglements zwischen den medialen Dispositiven der Materialien Kakao/Schokolade und der deutschen kolonialen Vergangenheit in Westafrika"
- Gerfelmeyer, Leah: "Die Colonial Commodities Kakao/Schokolade. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Entanglements zwischen den medialen Dispositiven der Materialien Kakao/Schokolade und der deutschen kolonialen Vergangenheit in Westafrika"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Andrew Harvey
Research Interests
Languages of the Tanzanian Rift
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Jana Hönke
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4137
Chair of
Sociology of Africa
- Current supervisionHide
- Ndlovu, Patricia Pinky: "A Sociological Understanding of the Minibus-Taxi Industry in South Africa: Informality, Patriarchy and Violence"
- Üner, Büsra: "The Creation of Environmental Movements with Feminist Alliances: Survival Mechanism of Rural Women"
- Yang, Yifan: "Frictional encounters? Governing and contesting Chinese industrial mining projects in Guinea"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Thokozani Kaime
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4336
Chair of
African Legal Studies
- Current supervisionHide
- Irakoze, Ange Dorine: "Combatting Illicit Financial Flows for Sustainable Development in East African Community (EAC): A Study Of Burundi Mining Laws and Lessons from United Republic Of Tanzania Mining Laws"
- Mauluka, Gift Gawanani: "State obligations in addressing climate change-induced child labour: an investigation of child labour legal frameworks enforcement in Malawi and Ghana"
- Zundel, Isabelle: "Claiming LGBTQI+ rights through the African human rights system – Analysis of normative and procedural frameworks"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Melina Cassandra Kalfelis
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4133
Chair of
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Interests
Content will follow
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kirby
Telefon: +49 (0)921 / 55-4160
Research Interests
Religion in African settings (and beyond), particularly Islam and Christianity, Religion and politics, Religion and economics, Infrastructure, Urban environments and processes, Globalisation, Conspiracy thinking, Ethnography, Self-presentation and everyday social interaction
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Dr Franz Kogelmann
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-5160
Research Interests
Current Islamic Movements, Islamic Law in Africa, Islamic Foundations (waqf), Islamism / Political Islam, Muslims in secular / partly Islamic Societies
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Ben Amara, Ramzi: "The Izala-movement in Nigeria: Its Split, Relationship to Sufis and Perception of the Sharia Re-Implementation"
- Chembea, Suleiman: "Competing and Conflicting Power Dynamics in Waqfs in Kenya, 1900-2010"
- Danfulani, Chikas: "The Re-implementation of Sharia in Northern Nigeria and the Education of Muslim Women 1999-2007"
- El-Hassab, Ahmed: "Corporate Social Responsibility Conduct/Disclosure In the Experience of Sudanese Islamic Banks, 2008-2010"
- Ibrahim, Musa: "Sharia implementation, filmmaking, and Muslim discourses: Analysis of contestations and negotiations between culamāɔ and Kannywood filmmakers in northern Nigeria"
- Wario, Halkano: "Networking the Nomads: A Study of Tablīghī Jamācat among the Borana of Northern Kenya"

Prof. Dr Jia Hui Lee
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4232
Chair of
Science and Technology Studies of the Global South
Research Interests
Information is following
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Beate Lohnert
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-2277
Chair of
Development Studies in Geography
Research Interests
Urban and Rural Environments, Town and Regional Planning (especially upgrading, low-cost housing, resettlement), Refugee and Migration Research, Integration Research, Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Political Ecology, Conflict Mediation in Land Use, Participatory Research, Teamwork and Team Management in Planning Processes
- Current supervisionHide
- Schwarz, Fabian: "Sustainable bioenergy and biofuel potentials from agricultural crops and residues in Uganda and Tanzania"
- Yajalin, John: "Internal Migration: Neighbourhood Associations and its Consequences on Political Participation in Urban Slums in Ghana"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Arko, Benedict: "Translating Discourses of Local Economic Development: The Case of the Ghana Decent Work Programme"
- Debelo, Asebe: "Conflicts, Narratives of Entitlement and Competing Views over Nech Sar National Park, Ethiopia"
- Degenhart, Barbara: "Space - Food - Society: Changing Food Consumption Practices of the Emerging Urban Middle Class in Meqele, Ethiopia - A Relational Approach of Local Dynamics and Spatial Manifestations of Socio-Cultural Transformation Processes"
- Flosbach, Johannes: "Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana and Uganda: Development and Application of the Achievement Stages Model"
- Megento, Tebarek: "Inter-firm Relationships and Governance Structures. A study of the Ethiopian leather and leather products industry value chain"
- Mekonnen, Mulugeta: "Transnational Migration-Development Nexus: The Engagement of Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Based in Germany"
- Narh, Peter: "Negotiating behavioural change: regime interaction in environmental governance in Ghana"
- Rudic, Christiane: "Housing finance strategies of informal settlement dwellers. Factors of influence and the impacts of planned interventions in Dar es Salaam"

Dr Cassandra Mark-Thiesen
Research Interests
African History
- Current supervisionHide
- Ibanga, Edidiong Charles: "Mediating Womanhood in Liberia. History, memories and representations"
- Schneider, Luisa: "Histories and Memories of Transatlantic Returning"
- Dike, Deborah Nwadiuto: "A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Twitter Memes used in Discourses around Nigeria’s Elections and Sociopolitics from 2015"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Susanne Mühleisen
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3564 / - 63
Chair of
English Linguistics
Research Interests
Creole Studies, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Translation Studies, Orality and Literacy, English Word Formation
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Ahmed, Umar: "Gender in Media Discourse: The Discursive Construction of Gender in Nigerian Newspapers"
- Kamdem, Hector: "The Basic Narrative of National Unity and Peace in Cameroonian Political Speeches: A Discourse Analytical Perspective"
- Kenne, Jocelyne: "Language and Interaction in the Chinese Community in Cameroon: A Sociolinguistic Profile"
- Otundo-Künster, Billian: "Exploring Ethnically-Marked Varieties of Kenyan English: Intonation and Associated Attitudes"
- Turner, Irina: "Businified Political Discourse on the State of the South African Nation: A Dialogue between Presidential Speeches and Newspaper Reports"

Prof. Dr Stefan Ouma
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-2262
Chair of
Economic Geography
Research Interests
Global Commodity Chains and Agricultural Transformations, Financialisation of Nature and Agriculture, Industry 4.0, Critical Logistics
- Current supervisionHide
- Singo, Leiyo: "Tracing Visions of Socio-ecological Transformation and their Ethical Deliberation in Tanzania: The Case of Land Futures"
- Singo, Leiyo: "Tracing Visions of Socio-ecological Transformation and their Ethical Deliberation in Tanzania: The Case of Land Futures"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Dr Joschka Philipps
Research Interests
Political Conflicts, Transnational Politics, Postcolonial Studies, Conspiracy Theories, Urban Youth, Protest Movements in sub-Saharan Africa
- Current supervisionHide
- Jima, Kingsley Celestine: "Politics of the Unknown Gunmen: Television Reporting on Banditry in North-west Nigeria"
- Sagnane, Saïkou Oumar: "Unexpected Regime Change and Military Transition in the Republic of Guinea: Information Flow, Uncertainty and Ambiguity"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr. Alena Rettová
Research Interests
Philosophy, German Studies, African Studies
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Ivo Ritzer
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3624
Chair of
Media in Africa
Research Interests
Media Aesthetics, Media Archaeology, Media Anthropology, Media and Cultural Globalization, Film and Television Theory, World Cinema, Transnational Cinema, New Media, Digital Media
- Current supervisionHide
- Kamel, Shaden: "Popular Facebook groups exclusively for women and women empowerment in Egypt"
- Lembcke, Sophie: "Digitalisierung und Future Archives. Posthybride Perspektiven auf künstlerische Objektbefragungen im kolonialen Museum"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Moyo, Charles: "Icons of Zimbabwe's Crisis and their Interpretation by European Union Officials"
- Ngum, Yvette: "Understanding Cultures and Identities in Cameroonian Cinema"
- Ateh, Tafor: "Audience Response to Cameroonian Films: The Case of Nina's Dowry and Jungle of Heirs"
- Moyo, Charles: "Icons of Zimbabwe's Crisis and their Interpretation by European Union Officials"

Prof. Dr Eberhard Rothfuss
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-2278
Chair of
Social- and Population Geography
Research Interests
Pastoralism and Ethnic Tourism in Southern Africa, Afro-Brazilian Identity, Socio-spatial Urban Inequality (Favelas), Collective Governance, Critical (Southern) Theory, Intercultural Hermeneutics
- Current supervisionHide
- Gruber, Valerie: "Moral Geographies of (Re-)Existence: A Comparative Analysis of Socio-cultural Projects from Afro-descendant Communities in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) and Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)"
- Gruber, Valerie: "Moral Geographies of (Re-)Existence: A Comparative Analysis of Socio-cultural Projects from Afro-descendant Communities in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) and Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Hansine, Rogers: "The intraurban dimension of reproductive choices variation in Maputo, Mozambique – a qualitative study"
- Hansine, Rogers: "The intraurban dimension of reproductive choices variation in Maputo, Mozambique – a qualitative study"

Prof. Dr Cyrus Samimi
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-2237
Chair of
Research Interests
Climatology, Ecological Climatology, Biogeography, Agricultural Ecology, Remote Sensing, GIS
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide

Prof. Dr Katharina Schramm
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4170
Chair of
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Interests
Anthropology of Global Inequalities
- Current supervisionHide
- Isler, Danielle Audrey: "Black People and Whitened Spaces in Cape Town, South Africa: Constructions, In/Compatibilities and Reactions to Exclusions"
- Naumann, Lena: "New Sacred Art – Das Gesamtwerk Susanne Wengers im Kontext der nigerianischen Moderne"
- Schaumann, Eleanor: "Tracing Karakul in Postcolonial Practices and Landscapes"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Sharma, Mihir: "Black Lives Matter: Emerging Forms and Subjectivities of Activism in St. Louis, Missouri"
- Sharma, Mihir: "Black Lives Matter: Emerging Forms and Subjectivities of Activism in St. Louis, Missouri"

Prof. Dr Rüdiger Seesemann
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3553 / - 5432
Chair of
Islamic Studies
Research Interests
Sufism, Islam and Modernity, Islam and Politics, Islamism, Islamic Education, Islamic Knowledge, Religion in Africa
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Ayong, Ahmed: "Traditional Islamic Scholarly Culture in Northern Cameroon, 1900 to the Present"
- Hanif, Mohammad: "Debating Sufism: The Tijāniyya and its Opponents"
- Issaka-Toure, Fulera: "Islamic Construction of Gender in Accra: The Role of Islamic Religious Authorities in Mediating Marital Conflicts"

Prof. Dr Valentina Serreli
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3554
Chair of
Arabic Linguistics
Research Interests
Arabic Sociolinguistics, Language Attitudes and Ideologies, Language and Identity, Multilingualism and Language Contact
- Current supervisionHide
- Essam Farag, Hasnaa: "Style and Gender Performance in Arabic Fiction and Media"
- Essam Farag, Hasnaa: "Style and Gender Performance in Arabic Fiction and Media"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Idhssaine, Abdellah: "Moroccan Language Policy and the Amazigh Language Revitalization"
- Idhssaine, Abdellah: "Moroccan Language Policy and the Amazigh Language Revitalization"

Prof. Dr Gabriele Sommer
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3557
Chair of
African Linguistics I
Research Interests
Areal Linguistics, Contact Linguistics, Languages and Societies in Africa
- Current supervisionHide
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Boutché, Jean: "Fula spoken in the city of Maroua (Northern Cameroon). A sociolinguistic insight into its use by non-ethnic speakers"
- de Haas, Ricarda: "Spoken Word Goes Digital. Performance Poetry und Social Media in Harare (SIMBABWE) und Johannesburg (SÜDAFRIKA). Eine gendersensible Analyse"
- Esene Agwara, Angiachi Demetris: "Assessing Rural Multilingualism in Lower Bafut, North West Region of Cameroon"

Prof. Dr Eva Spies
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4150
Chair of
Study of Religion
Research Interests
Christianity in Africa, Religious Diversity, Public Religion, Death and Personhood, as well as the connections between Development Cooperation, Moral Knowledge, and Religion
- Current supervisionHide
- Osei-Tutu, Isaac: "Entrepreneurship and Prosperity Gospel. A Business and Corporate Ethical Perspective on Neo-Pentecostal/Charismatic Economy in Ghana"
- Rhissa Achaffert, Hamissou: "Penser et faire le développement au Niger : Le rôle des acteurs islamiques locaux"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Balogun, Adeyemi: "Being a 'Good Muslim': The Muslim Students' Society of Nigeria (MSSN), Islamic Reform and Religious Change in Yorubaland, 1954 and 2014"
- Seyni Mamoudou, Ibrahim: "Gouvernance de la pluralité religieuse au Niger : rôles des associations interreligieuses"

Prof. Dr David Stadelmann
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-6077
Chair of
Development Economics
- Current supervisionHide
- Wild, Frederik: "Four Essays in Development Economics and Regional Economic Integration"
- Wild, Frederik: "Four Essays in Development Economics and Regional Economic Integration"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Frempong, Raymond: "Three Essays in Development Economics"
- Frempong, Raymond: "Three Essays in Development Economics"

Prof. Dr Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-4185
Chair of
African Politics and Development Policy
Research Interests
Comparative Democratization, Formal and Informal Institutions, Political Role of Constitutional Jurisdictions, Political Parties/Party Systems/Elections
- Current supervisionHide
- Alar, Julião: "Managing party loyalty in violent elections: Comparing the municipalities of Beira, Quelimane, and Tete in Mozambique"
- Kisakye, Diana: "Judges as agents of regional integration: A relational analysis of judicial networks in African regional courts"
- Wüst, Andreas: "Kulturpolitik in Tunesien, Marokko und Mali nach dem Arabischen Frühling – Förderinstrument für Stabilität?"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Agbele, Fortune: "To Vote or Not to Vote: Understanding the Ghanaian Voter"
- Bonkat, Lohna: "Surviving in a Conflict Environment: Market Women and Changing Socioeconomic Relations in Jos, Nigeria - 2001-2010
- Saibu, Ghadafi: "Political Parties, Violent Youth and Electoral Insecurity"
- Woldegiorgis, Emnet: "Regionalization of Higher Education in Africa and the Operationalization of the African Union Higher Education Harmonization Strategy"

Prof. Dr Clarissa Vierke
Phone: +49 (0) 921 55-3550
Chair of
Literatures in African Languages
Research Interests
Swahili Literature and Popular Culture, Poetics/Rhetoric, Manuscript Cultures, Orality and Literacy, Swahili Intellectual History, Literature in Multilingual Contexts, African History of Science
- Current supervisionHide
- Böllinger, Sarah: "Das Behinderte Kunstwerk – in den Sammlungen des Iwalewahaus"
- Tarrant, Duncan: "Zanzibari Swahili Poetic Imaginaries and Networks"
- Supervised and completed projectsHide
- Minerba, Emiliano: "Historical-comparative analysis of the Swahili and Wolof metrical systems"
- Raia, Annachiara: "The Utendi wa Yusufu. A Critical Edition of the Swahili Poem of Yusuf and a Study of its Adaptation at the Swahili Coast"
- Dr. Nikitta Dede Adjirakor: "I Go for the Vibe': Hip-hop and Spoken Word as Aesthetic Practices in Dar es Salaam"
- Ajayi, Oladapo: "Fuji Lyrics and Everyday life in the Contemporary Yoruba Urban Space"