Singo, Leiyo

Research Interests:
Land and Natural Resources, Political Economy, African Politics
Geographical Area:
Current Project:
Tracing Visions of Socio-ecological Transformation and their Ethical Deliberation in Tanzania: The Case of Land Futures
My research focuses on conceptions of land use, particularly ontological conflicts over sustainable land use plans as competing visions of bioeconomy in Tanzania. At the height of the land rush, sustainable land use plans are presented by the government and international organizations as laudable policy aspirations. However, there is a significant body of literature that views the rush to land use planning as an indicator of often indirectly experienced effects of an ongoing and incomplete primitive accumulation (Blustein et al, 2018; Walwa, 2017; Huggins, 2016; Peluso and Lund, 2011). I explore how these bioeconomy discourses and practices (in the name of planning, conservation and productivity) have been interpreted, understood, contested or/and translated into popular understandings in Tanzania.
Further information (CV and publications)