Team > Dr Christine Scherer

Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence
Academic Vita
Dr phil. Christine Scherer studied jurisprudence and administrative science at the University of Konstanz, Germany, was trained as print media journalist and graduated in Social Anthropology, Political Sciences and Romance Studies Bayreuth University in 1996. After working as free-lance print- and broadcasting journalist she joined the Institute of African Studies, IAS, to support the coordination of the proposal for a humanities’ collaborative research center 'Local Agency in Africa in the context of Global Influences' (SFB-FK 560) in 1998. In 1999 she took up a position at Iwalewa-Haus, Africa Center of Bayreuth University. In December 2000 she became junior research fellow at the SFB-FK 560 until 2003 to work on her doctoral research project 'Art-making in Zimbabwe', a case study on the representation of contemporary arts in/from Africa in the International Art World and its reception. In 2006, she joined the IAS again to coordinate the final phase of the collaborative research center and the new proposal for the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, BIGSAS, in the Initiative for Excellence. In 2007 she became coordinator of BIGSAS. Christine Scherer is a representative of the IAS at the University of Bayreuth in the Africa-Europe Group of Interdisciplinary Studies, AEGIS.

Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence
- 2020: Internationalisierung, in: Hammerschmidt, Anette und Neela Enke: Forschen – Lehren – Führen. Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere. Konstanz: UTB. Pp. 96-98.
- 2020: (Coautor*innenschaft mit Dina Falten) Internationale Zusammenarbeit, in: Hammerschmidt, Anette und Neela Enke: Forschen – Lehren – Führen. Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere. Konstanz: UTB. Pp. 98-102.
- 2019 Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse & Christine Scherer (eds.): Partnership in Higher Education. Trends between African and European Institutions. Leiden: Brill.
- 2019: (in co-autorship with Anne Nangulu and Omar Egesah, Kenya) Hochschulkooperationen in Afrika. Das Projekt AMAS als Pionier einer vernetzten Wissensproduktion. In: Spektrum; Jahrgang 15/2, pp.10-13. (English available)
- 2019: Relational Policies in Higher Education Partnership and Collaboration: Europe’s Approach to Africa and the Special Case of Germany. In: Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse & Christine Scherer (eds.): Partnership in Higher Education. Trends between African and European Institutions. Leiden: Brill, pp. 76-102.
- 2019: Challenges and Prospects for Higher Education Partnership in Africa: Concluding Remarks. In: Woldegiorgis, Emnet Tadesse & Christine Scherer (eds.): Partnership in Higher Education. Trends between African and European Institutions. Leiden: Brill, pp. 203-211.
- 2016: "The Hidden Balances in Higher Education Collaboration. Negotiating Forms of Capital in the Social Field of International Doctoral Research Training between Europe and Africa". In: Higher Education in Africa. Challenges for Development, Mobility and Cooperation. Goujon, Anne, Max Haller & Bernadette Müller Kmet (eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 302-334.
- 2014: "Agency and World Views: An Introduction". In: Scherer, Christine & Dieter Neubert (eds.): Agency and Changing World Views in Africa. Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 1-13.
- 2014: "The Fabrics of Man, Family and Society. Life and Work of Photographer Calvin Dondo." In: Dondo, Calvin (ed.): Hodhii Zimbabwe. Collection Africalia Editions. Brussels: Stichting Kunstboek, pp. 110-116.
- 2013: "The Media Project Change of Perspectives or ‘Showing Seeing’ through the Eyes of A Zimbabwean Photographer." In: Liebau, Eckart, Ernst Wagner & Max Wyman (eds.): International Yearbook for Arts Education, Vol. 1; on occasion of the World Summit on Arts Education - Polylogue II, 13-17 May 2013, Munich and Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, pp. 239-248.
- 2013: "Working on the Small Difference: Notes on the Making of Sculpture in Tengenenge, Zimbabwe." In: Littlefield Kasfir, Sidney & Till Förster (eds.): African Art and Agency in the Workshop. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 180-206.
- 2015: Red Carpets for the Next Generation of Scholars? The Initiative for Excellence in Germany (2005/2006 - 2017) and International Graduate Schools as Instruments for the Enhancement of Research Training and Mentoring at the Doctoral Level, Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27-28 November
- 2015: Tale(s) of Strategic Essentialism and Epistemic Violence. The Case of the Art World in Zimbabwe. European Conference of African Studies, ECAS, Collective Mobilizations in Africa (AEGIS), Paris, France, 8-10 July
- 2014: Conceptualizing Forms of Capital in African-European Higher Education Collaboration. Int. Conference on Higher Education, Mobility and Migration in and out of Africa, HEMMA, Austrian Academy of Sciences/Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienna, Austria, 19-21 June
- 2013: Of challenges and chances: Africa and current European higher education cooperation strategies. Int. Conf. Global Africa, Triple heritage and Pax Africana, 38th Annual Conference of New York African Studies Association, IGCS SUNY, Binghamton, USA, 4-6 April
- 2012: Exploring the Sediments. Reflections on the Epistemology of Calvin Dondo’s Photography. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, March
- 2012: Mhanduwe- Freundschaft. Die Fotografie Calvin Dondos. München, Kulturreferat der LH München, February
- 2011: Zwischen allen Stühlen? Die Steinbildhauerei in Zimbabwe und die internationale Kunstwelt. Kulturreferat der LH München, December

Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence
Dr Christine Scherer
Academic Coordinator Early Career & Equal Opportunity
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 3 (GSP), Room: 0.6 01 347
Phone: +49 (0)921-55-5100
ResearchGate: Christine Scherer